Friday, March 29, 2013

The Power of LinkedIn

Are you using the power of LinkedIn to promote your professional career or your business? LinkedIn has the highest lead generation potential of any of the social media platforms.
According to research conducted by HubSpot, the MIT based inbound marketing company, LinkedIn is 277% better than Facebook or Twitter for lead generation. So, are you’re not using LinkedIn, what are you waiting for?
Not all industries are fully bought-in to the power of LinkedIn. But frankly, I can’t think of a single industry where ignoring LinkedIn is a smart idea. Whether you’re looking for a job, looking for a promotion, or looking to increase your business, LinkedIn is one of the best resources around. And for networking, there’s really no better tool for professionals than a well-prepared LinkedIn profile.
You really can’t afford miss the potential of LinkedIn. If nothing else, make sure to complete your profile and create your vanity URL (that’s the internet address rather than using the useless string of numbers and letters you get as a default). Getting the most out of LinkedIn means tweaking your profile to include your keywords, joining and participating in groups, and getting recommendations and endorsements. If you aren’t doing these basic things, you’re leaving money on the table, so to speak.
If you're on LinkedIn, connect with me. Tell me you saw my blog. You can find me here:

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