Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why do you want to start a business?

Starting a new business is a scary and risky proposition.  Starting a new business can be extremely time consuming and may require participation from your family or your absence from family events.  Starting a business may require you to use your life’s savings or borrow money from the bank for which you’ll be personally responsible.  So why do you want to do this?
For some people, it’s just a no brainer.  They HAVE to start their own business.  They’ve been working for ‘the man’ for too long or are just tired of seeing a business run into the ground.  For others, they have an idea that just needs to get out.  If not them, who?
For still others, they want to start a business out of necessity.  That is, they don’t have a job and have no good prospects for finding one anytime soon.  They see starting a business as a necessary evil.
If you plan to make your fortune in a few months and start living the good life, think again.  Most new business owners make little or no income for the first few years in business.  In fact, many times, your employees will make more than you until your business is well established and financially stable.  You need to clearly understand your motivation for starting a business and then decide if starting a business will help you achieve your goals.  

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