Thursday, October 18, 2012

E-Center Incubates 153 New Jobs in Decatur

In my circles, we're big supporters of business incubators and technical assistance providers. Here in my home market of Huntsville, Alabama, we have several organizations that provide start-up support for commercial and defense related businesses. The Women's Business Center of North Alabama and the Small Business Development Centers at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and Alabama A & M University all provide coaching and training to hopeful entrepreneurs. We don't have a true incubator in Huntsville that brings in start-ups, provides mentoring and coaching and other start-up assistance and then sends them off into the world to succeed. In Decatur, my good friend Larry Waye is the Executive Director of the Decatur-Morgan County entrepreneurial Center which is trying to do just that. 

The E-Center has just celebrated it's 2nd anniversary and published a press release to celebrate their impressive early success. Among their bragging points are the creation of 153 new jobs and payroll revenue of $4.7 million. I've included their entire press release below. If you have an opportunity, stop by the E-Center in Decatur and introduce yourself to Larry and see the good work that the folks in Decatur are doing. 

Decatur’s E-Center Celebrates 2nd Anniversary
With Impressive Jobs & Revenue Report

The Decatur-Morgan County Entrepreneurial Center is celebrating a milestone this month: its 2nd Anniversary.  According to Larry Waye, Executive Director, “We are excited to be celebrating our 2nd anniversary and proud of all the E-Center has accomplished in such a short time.”
The E-Center has much to celebrate and some pretty impressive numbers to brag about.  Waye said, “As of the close of September the E-Center has helped create 153 new jobs in Decatur/Morgan County through our incubation process, which reflects new payroll revenue of $4,775,000.00.”  
According to the E-Center’s annual report, the 153 new jobs are located in 22 new start-up businesses and 11 growing and relocating companies.  “49% of the jobs are held by people living outside the City of Decatur,” Waye said, “but located within Morgan County. Our one-on-one counseling/coaching sessions have exceeded the 200 mark.”
The E-Center’s building, which consists of 40,000 square feet of office and warehouse space is at 65% capacity and houses a variety of businesses. Waye added “We have added two new tenants in the last month and a third one moving in on November, 1. This will continuation of our growth process.”

About The Decatur-Morgan County Entrepreneurial Center
The primary purpose of the E-Center is to encourage, enthuse and empower new and small businesses as tenants and non-tenants of the E-Center facility and to ensure successful start-up and continued growth.  The E-Center is located in close proximity to the Tennessee River, Rail service and the Interstate system.  The E-Center has a first-class Training Room available and its communications solutions enable quick adaptation to market changes and increase productivity through speed and innovation.

If you'd like more information abour the Decatur-Morgan County Entrepreneurial Center, please contact:

Larry Waye, Executive Director  
Decatur-Morgan County Entrepreneurial Center                                                                                                                        
1629 Fourth Avenue SE
Decatur, AL 35601

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