We talk a lot about ‘analytics’ in digital media. In fact, that’s one
of the really cool things about the digital age, we can measure, track, and
analyze every single visitor that comes to our site or receives our email
Ad4! Interactive was launched as the interactive web division
of Ad4! primarily to take advantage of the KISS Metrics analytics package as an
integrated feature in our web offerings. And while there’s more to it than just
metrics, the metrics drive the SEO, the design features and certainly the copy
and graphics. So what are we doing with all this data?
I’m afraid in most cases, we’re crunching numbers for the
sake of crunching numbers. Especially here in North Alabama where we have more
Ph.D’s per capita than any place in the U.S., it’s only natural that we would
crunch the numbers way past their prime.
Analyzing the metrics to draw the proper conclusion is like
most parts of social media. It seems easy on the surface, but it’s really
difficult once you dig into the details. Looking at your analytics to see how
many people visited your site, what keyword was most effective in getting them
there, or what page had the highest bounce rate is easy. How do you use this information
to make your site better and more importantly, to create better engagement with
your customers?
It’s the phycology of the behavior that’s really interesting.
Knowing how many people behaved in a certain way is one thing, knowing how to
get people to behave in a certain way, is quite a different story. This is what
separates effective campaigns from wasted money.